Esquire Real Estate Brokers & Attorney's unique combination of being owned and operated by brokers with a background in law is undoubtedly an interesting approach in the real estate industry. This setup brings a distinct advantage to their clients. Here's why:

1.     Legal Expertise: Having brokers who are also experienced attorneys means that clients benefit from a deeper understanding of the legal intricacies of real estate transactions. Real estate deals often involve complex contracts and regulations, and having legal expertise in-house can be a game-changer.

2.     Streamlined Processes: This dual role can streamline the entire real estate process. Brokers who are attorneys can efficiently handle paperwork, contracts, and negotiations, reducing the chances of legal hiccups along the way. This can lead to smoother and quicker transactions.

3.     Negotiation Power: Negotiating in real estate can be tough, but when you have attorneys at the helm, they bring a level of negotiation skill that goes beyond traditional real estate agents. They understand the legal implications of every clause, which can lead to more favorable terms for their clients.

4.     Legal Protection: Clients have an added layer of legal protection when working with a brokerage like Esquire Real Estate Brokers & Attorney. If any legal issues arise during or after the transaction, they are well-equipped to handle them effectively, potentially saving clients from costly legal battles.