An All-In-One Real Estate Service Package


Are you tired of cookie-cutter real estate services? Search no more! Experience tailored services that stand out.

As a seasoned REALTOR serving Bellevue, Washington, I provide a comprehensive, personalized experience to meet your distinct needs, whether you're buying or selling residential or commercial properties in the area.


Unlock unmatched expertise: A Real Estate Broker and Lawyer in Bellevue, WA. Get the best of both worlds for your real estate needs.

In the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, having a professional who can seamlessly blend expertise in both real estate and legal matters is invaluable. This is where the role of a real estate broker who is also a lawyer shines, offering inherent advantages that traditional brokers may lack. As a hybrid professional, we bring a unique set of skills to the table, providing clients in Bellevue, Washington, with a comprehensive solution to their real estate and legal needs.

One of the primary advantages of working with a broker-lawyer hybrid is our deep understanding of both real estate transactions and the legal intricacies that govern them. Whether it's navigating complex contracts, conducting due diligence, or addressing potential disputes, we possess the expertise to anticipate and mitigate legal challenges proactively. This ensures that our clients' interests are protected at every stage of the transaction, providing them with peace of mind and confidence in their decision-making process.

Moreover, the dual expertise of a real estate broker and lawyer instills trust and confidence in clients, positioning them for stronger negotiations and favorable outcomes. By leveraging our market insight and legal acumen, clients can rest assured that their best interests are being championed with a solid legal foundation. Our track record of successfully closing hundreds of transactions speaks to our ability to deliver results while providing top-tier marketing and service.

Efficiency is another key benefit of working with a broker-lawyer hybrid. By entrusting us with both the real estate and legal aspects of a transaction, clients save time and effort that would otherwise be spent coordinating between multiple professionals. This streamlined approach not only expedites the process but also minimizes the potential for miscommunication or misunderstandings, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients.

Furthermore, our bundled package of services offers cost-effectiveness, often at a more competitive rate than hiring separate professionals for real estate and legal assistance. This financial advantage, combined with the peace of mind that comes from our expertise, makes us an attractive choice for anyone engaged in real estate transactions in Bellevue, Washington.

With over 25 years of legal experience and a decade in real estate, we stand at the forefront of the industry, ready to provide unparalleled guidance and support to our clients. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing in real estate, our dual expertise, trustworthiness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness make us the ideal partner to navigate the complexities of transactions while ensuring legal compliance and safeguarding your interests.

In addition to our core services, we also offer in-house escrow closing services and title insurance, providing clients with a comprehensive solution to their real estate needs. Experience the difference of working with a hybrid real estate broker and lawyer in Bellevue, Washington, and unlock the benefits of a one-stop solution for all your real estate and legal needs.

Unlock the Benefits of Hiring a Hybrid Real Estate Broker and Lawyer in Bellevue, Washington TODAY!

What People Are Saying

“Jonathan is very knowledgeable about real estate, and is great in handling all sorts of debt issues, like foreclosure/short sale, as well as bankruptcy.”

Emily Cressey

“Outstanding experience. Super professional.”

David Sprague